In the meantime, THANK YOU for your patience! Here's what's in the works so far:
Just posted a FREE Kindle-friendly pdf of the recipe booklet based on Kitchen Addiction! - you can open/view as a normal pdf on your computer; or, using your Kindles USB line, upload it to the "documents" folder on your Kindle and presto! You have a brand new (and free) recipe book on your Kindle!
The upside to downloading it to your computer first (other than it becomes available to your Kindle) is that you can print out the recipe you'd like to make, and not risk spilling tomato sauce on your Kindle!
The pdf works well on my Kindle - so hope you have the same results - but let me know, ok?
The recipe eBook will soon be available direclty from as a $0.00 Kindle eBook - so please stay tuned.
And of course, typing away at the sequel - Confection Connection.