Specifically, I write women's humorous mystery fiction. With a culinary bent. And recipes. And an over-sized tabby cat. And wine. Lots of wine.
So my stuff is a bit of a hybrid. Which makes reading about famous authors’ writing habits scare the crap out of me. I’m half-way through the first draft of my 4th novel, since I began in aught twelve, and considered four novels in two years pretty darn good. Until I read about writers who begin their day at five o’clock (yes, that’s a.m.) and fall into a frazzled heap somewhere around eight at night. Without eating. And no water. And definitely no wine.
Then, there’s the night shift: authors who pound on the keyboard while the rest of us produce zzz’s, with the exception of the vampires, ghosts and goblins that they write about, who are presumably dictating a mile a minute. To be fair, I imagine it would be far more time consuming listening to a vampire - there has to be some type of speech impediment associated with fangs. So these writers understandably have to put in some heavy hours, considering their research subjects.
By both accounts, I am woefully behind and should be working on Mystery #82, with several thousand recipes at the back.
Thanks to our new computer, I've also have ADD. When I first began writing with the old laptop, my greatest distraction was the cat, since it couldn't connect to the internet. The laptop, not the cat. Now, with the new and improved All-In-One, I’m whizzing and whirring farther and farther away from my manuscript quicker than a Twitter Trend - #IsThatAChicken?
Of course, we all have our own daily habits. That is, you probably do. At this point, I’m convinced the only way I’ll get a habit is to join a convent. But I digress. Again. Hey, I’m good at it.